Yacht Corrosion Meter

Yacht Corrosion Meter

Product SKU: CYM
  • Regular price $325.89 Sale price $301.75
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Onboard corrosion meter including silver/ silver chloride half-cell sensor

Yacht Corrosion Meter

  • Simple yellow and green scale monitors the voltage.

  • Supplied with Silver/Silver Chloride half-cell sensor.

Product information

This onboard, panel mounted meter monitors galvanic voltage and is suitable for boats up to 65ft. It instantly confirms adequate protection or identifies damaging corrosion voltages.

It gives clear indication if anodes need to be replaced and instantly picks up any problems with shore power, earth leaks etc.

The unit permanently monitors your bonding cable, using a Silver / Silver chloride through hull reference point.

This product should be used after a survey confirms that your bonding system is correctly connected to all your fittings.

Our handheld survey and book are part #CTMB

Owner's manual for our CYM-20020- corrosion meter:


Additional information:

  • brand: Sterling Power
  • height-1: 8
  • length-1: 6
  • width-1: 8


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